American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) Gayle G. Arnold Award

The Gayle G. Arnold Award is the most prestigious award of the Academy.  This award is named in honor of Dr. Arnold, a self-taught developmental pediatrician and President of the Academy (1989-90). The award is presented annually to the authors of the best scientific paper.  The award includes a plaque, a certificate, recognition during the Annual Meeting, reimbursement of airfare, two nights of lodging, and complimentary registration to the Annual Meeting.

2023: Stephanie DeLuca, PhD

2022: Karl Jancart, MSEd
2021: Jessica Sun, MD
2020: Emma Bohn
2019: Regina Harbourne, Ph.D., PT
2018: Brian Hoare, OT, Ph.D.
2017: Alicia Spittle, Ph.D.
2016: Pamela Thomason, PT, MPT
2015: Alicia Spittle, Ph.D.
2014: Sarah James, OT
2013: Richard Lieber, Ph.D. and Sudarshan Dayanidhi, PT, Ph.D.

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