Pre-conference Sessions
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Full Day Sessions
PC3: A Global Perspective on Technology Use in Rehabilitation
Sunday, September 10, 2023 (8:00am- 5:15pm CT)
$175.00 Member
$200.00 Non-members
$75.00 Student Members
$200.00 Non-member Students
Note: this session will be off-site at the Northwestern University Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences.
Summary & Learning Objectives:
Attendees will:
- Be introduced to new and evolving cutting edge technology including upper and lower extremity robotics, brain computer interface, virtual reality, E-stim, applications (apps) and sensors.
- Receive updates and participate in meaningful discussion regarding important topics including:
- A European perspective on what technology is being utilized in rehabilitation, barriers and enablers
- Ethics and essential social justice considerations within the field of technology advancement
- User and family engagement- a parent’s perspective
- Supporting Technology Research in Pediatric Rehabilitation
- Be involved in creating a future plan to optimize collaboration and speed the development of life changing technology for individuals living with childhood acquired disabilities
Morning Sessions
PC1: Transforming Your Early-Stage Research Program into an Established One
Sunday, September 10, 2023 (8:00am- 12:00pm CT)
$100.00 Member
$125.00 Non-members
$75.00 Student Members
$125.00 Non-member Students
Summary & Learning Objectives:
The AACPDM’s Research Committee offered a Pre-Conference course at the 2021 and 2022 annual meetings with the overarching aim of preparing researchers to develop successful research programs focused on cerebral palsy or other childonset developmental disabilities. The purpose of the present course is to outline a plan to transition from an early-stage investigator to an independent investigator. The plan will include developing a research program with impact, setting up networks and complementary team members, establishing larger, multi-site collaborations, and mentoring junior researchers while continuing to receive mentorship. The following is an outline of the 4 hour course.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how to focus on research impact through the research trajectory from the stakeholder’s perspective
- Understand how to develop a plan to transition from a mentored research program to an independent research program with impact
- Learn how to create a research team and to create research support networks
- Understand how to mentor junior researchers and how to continue receiving mentorship
PC2: Learning to Read and Interpret Gait Lab Kinematics and Kinetics: Testing Your Skills
In partnership with GCMAS
Sunday, September 10, 2023 (8:00am- 12:00pm CT)
$100.00 Member
$125.00 Non-members
$75.00 Student Members
$125.00 Non-member Students
Summary & Learning Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to help beginners and experts hone their gait analysis data interpretation skills. This course will be divided into 2 parts. The first part of the presentation will be interactive. During the presentation, individual kinematic or kinetic graphs will be presented on the slide. Using internet based interactive software, the audience will be asked, through multiple choice or open-ended questions, to describe the impairment commonly associated with the graph. The speaker will review the responses from the audience and provide the case that the graph originated from. Additionally, the audiences will be asked to identify the impact of missed placed markers on kinematics graphs. This will be followed by examples of walking trials that compare kinematics/kinetics changes based on marker placement. The second part of the presentation will be a review of four case studies. Before the meeting, each of the four cases will have been distributed to experts in the interpretation of gait analysis. Each expert will have completed a questionnaire describing gait impairments that they have identified, and their surgical recommendations to address the impairments. The course presenters will compare and contrast the expert recommendations and facilitate discussion among participants.
Learning Objectives:
- Identification of impairments associated with commonly seen kinematic and/or kinetic graphs
- Identification of changes in kinematic and kinetic graphs due to misplaced markers
- The use of gait analysis evaluations to determine surgical interventions formulated by experts in gait analysis
Afternoon Sessions
PC4: The Value of Lived Experience: Partnering with Patients & Families in Research, QI, Education, & Health
Sunday, September 10, 2023 (1:00pm- 5:00pm CT)
$100.00 Member
$125.00 Non-members
$75.00 Student Members
$125.00 Non-member Students
Summary & Learning Objectives:
Patient and family partnership is defined as active engagement in every aspect of a health care process, rather than just participation of people as subjects in research or recipients of healthcare. Patient and family partnership positively influences the research process and informs patient-centered outcomes. Partnership with patients and families is increasingly becoming a standard for patient-centered outcome research but despite the welcome culture shift to include patients and families in research and system-level decisions, little is published on how to partner practically and in a meaningful way.
In this interactive workshop, interprofessional providers and individuals with lived experience will discuss best evidence and shared experience in developing meaningful patient and family partnership, which has been identified as an educational priority by the AACPDM Complex Care Committee. In addition to patient and family partnership strategies in the research realm, we will also discuss methods to meaningfully engage patients and families in quality improvement initiatives, education, and health care delivery. Participants will develop practical skills in these areas and will leave with a toolkit of strategies and resources to partner with patients and families in meaningful, collaborative ways in their own clinical and educational settings.
Although organized by the Complex Care Committee, this pre-conference course would be applicable to any professional involved in quality improvement, research, patient care, and other systems-level decision making processes, in addition to individuals with lived experience. The Complex Care Committee is well-suited to organize a course on this topic given the degree of patient and family partnership in complex care as well as the strong presence of patient and family advocates on the Complex Care Committee. Members of the Complex Care Committee presented a Mini Symposium at the AACPDM 2022 Annual Meeting more focused on basics of family partnership, which was well attended; participants asked for more time to develop personalized plans which is how this precourse topic was developed.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss methods to ensure meaningful partnership with patients and families from diverse backgrounds.
- Identify current tools available to develop a framework for patient and family partnership and inclusion throughout the participant’s project process.
- Apply a framework for patient and family partnership to guide a current or future project.
- Understand ethics and compensation standards around equitable patient and family partnership.
PC5: Early Orthotic Management for Standing and Mobility in Children with Movement Limitations: Empowering Families
Sunday, September 10, 2023 (1:00pm- 5:00pm CT)
$100.00 Member
$125.00 Non-members
$75.00 Student Members
$125.00 Non-member Students
Summary & Learning Objectives:
Orthotic management can be used to enhance standing and mobility in young children, but the intervention is not without controversy. This course will present the segmental and postural alignment, kinematic, and motor learning basis for early orthotic interventions in children with mobility limitations. A novel Pictorial Tool that can be used with families for collaborative orthotic goal setting across all areas of the ICF will be modeled. Didactic content will include results of recent research, short- and long-term outcome patient case videos, sharing of family and provider lived experiences, and frequent interactive discussions with the audience.
Learning Objectives:
- Explore benefits of early lower extremity weight bearing related to bone and joint health in children with movement limitations.
- Explain typical and atypical lower limb segment and joint alignments and principles of their optimization for acquisition of upright posture and walking.
- Compare walking activity levels in toddlers developing typically and those with movement limitations.
- Apply evidence and principles of motor learning, to support the development of mobility programs for young children.
- Recognize benefits of early family education and a collaborative approach to pediatric orthotic goal setting for young children.
- Describe the potential goals and outcomes for early orthotic management, short- and long-term, across the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health using a novel Pictorial Tool in clinical practice.
PC6: Spine Deformity in Cerebral Palsy: A Comprehensive Approach
In partnership with SRS and POSNA
Sunday, September 10, 2023 (1:00pm- 5:30pm CT)
$100.00 Member
$125.00 Non-members
$75.00 Student Members
$125.00 Non-member Students
Summary & Learning Objectives:
This precourse combines experts from the Scoliosis Research Society, the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, and the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America to have a collaborative discussion on the challenges and opportunities of treating neuromuscular scoliosis in patients with cerebral palsy. Specialists from a wide variety of fields will share information to help improve multidisciplinary care.
Learning Objectives:
- To discuss the care of patients with cerebral palsy as they are evaluated and treated for neuromuscular scoliosis from a multidisciplinary perspective.
- To outline perioperative techniques that improve safety and outcomes for children with cerebral palsy undergoing treatment of neuromuscular scoliosis.
- To foster interaction between members of the SRS, AACPDM, and POSNA as we work together and learn from one another.
PC7: Initiating a Research Program Focused on Cerebral Palsy or Other Child-Onset Developmental Disabilities
Sunday, September 10, 2023 (1:00pm- 5:00pm CT)
$100.00 Member
$125.00 Non-members
$75.00 Student Members
$125.00 Non-member Students
Summary & Learning Objectives:
The AACPDM’s Research Committee offered a Pre-Conference course at the 2021 and 2022 annual meetings with the overarching aim of preparing researchers to develop successful research programs focused on cerebral palsy or other childonset developmental disabilities. The purpose of the present course is to help researchers who are still training or are in the very early stages of their career understand the ingredients of a successful research program, ways to identify good mentors and research opportunities, the different research funding mechanisms available, and the components of a competitive grant application.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn the key ingredients to a successful research program
- Understand how to identify mentorship and research opportunities
- Understand the available grant mechanisms and how to prepare a successful grant application
Important Dates
November 2022
Abstract Submissions Open
January 31, 2023
Abstract Submissions Deadline
March 27 & 28, 2023
Morning Seminar, Mini Symposia, Free Paper Acceptances Sent Out
April 5, 2023
Poster Acceptances Sent Out
May 8, 2023
Morning Seminar, Mini Symposia, Free Paper Information Sent Out
May 12, 2023
Poster Information Sent Out
May 15, 2023
Registration Opens and Preliminary Program Available
September 10-13, 2023
77th Annual Meeting
September 15, 2023 and October 9, 2023
CME Instructions Sent Out
September 29, 2023 - December 31, 2023
On-Demand Content Available