American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) Diversity and Inclusion

At the AACPDM, we believe that diversity and inclusion are imperative to the success of our mission. We all benefit from the rich talents and different perspectives fostered by the diversity of our members. The AACPDM sincerely respects, values, and promotes diversity and inclusion among all individuals, groups, and organizations with whom we interact, collaborate, and partner. We also challenge individuals to be personally active in utilizing strategies that promote diversity and inclusion. The AACPDM is committed to being a staunch advocate for professionals of all disciplines who wish to build an inclusive and diverse culture that honors and celebrates all.

AACPDM is Committed to Equity, Inclusivity, and Respect for Human Dignity

On June 10th, the Academy, with the assistance of our advocacy committee and ad hoc committee, released a statement condemning systemic racism against Black people and other people of color. It was released by our communication committee on social media, in addition to being available on our website.
Please view the June 10, 2020 statement below:

At the AACPDM we oppose disparities in medical care and systemic racism against Black people and other people of color. We will use our platform to elevate and amplify all voices around health disparities, including the voices of our individual members. We will be staunch allies with children and adults of color against systemic racism. We will do this not only because it is the right thing to do, but because medical research shows that it directly affects the health and wellness of people of color in our society, including those with and at risk for cerebral palsy and other childhood onset disabilities. We are committed to taking an active and conscious role in this process. We will use these principles to continue to fulfill our mission to promote excellence in research and services for the benefit of people with and at risk for cerebral palsy and other childhood onset disabilities.

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